Sergio Cocchia o.B.C. LL.D. (Hon)
Board Chair
Sergio Cocchia is the President of Crew Group of Companies, a hotel and property Management Company. Dr. Cocchia oversees a varied business venture with his partner and wife Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia.
Dr. Cocchia currently serves as President of the Pacific Autism Center Foundation, a family led initiative which established an “Autism Spectrum Disorder Knowledge center” for the Province of British Columbia. As proponents of this project the Cocchia’s have secured a $20 million grant from the provincial government towards the completion of this $35 million initiative. The “Hub and Spoke” provincial centre was completed in 2016.
Dr. Cocchia served for 12 years as President of the Board of Directors of the Mediated Learning Academy and the Variety Learning Center, an independent school serving special children with a variety of diagnosis and learning problems.
In 2010, the Cocchia’s were thrilled to be honoured with a Doctor of Laws (Hon.) from the Justice Institute of B.C. in recognition of their accomplishments and contributions to the province of British Columbia, in particular their shared vision in establishing the Pacific Autism Family Centre. Dr. Cocchia received the B.C. Community Achievement Award in 2012; the “Doorman of the Year” from the C.H.I.L.D. Foundation, the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal and in 2013 was made a member of the Order of British Columbia.