Autism Integrated Medical Services (AIMS) Clinic

AIMS Clinic at PAFN
The purpose of the AIMS clinic is to provide well integrated, ‘best practice’ multidisciplinary medical and allied health services for diagnostic screening, assessment, and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum and/or related neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan.
The Autism Integrated Medical Services (AIMS) is the multidisciplinary team of physicians working closely with ABLE. This is where patients can get MSP-covered services such as developmental and behavioural paediatrics and medical genetic consultation (some genetic services are not MSP-covered), as well as specialized private services.
To learn more contact us at: richmond@ableclinic.ca or call (604) 207-1984.

Our Comprehensive Services
- Medical Genetic Consultations – available for all ages, offering personal and/or family-focused genetic counselling, molecular genetic testing and evaluation of environmental disease risks via analyses of personal metabolome, proteome and gut microbiome
- Developmental Paediatrician Consultations – includes comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and treatment recommendations
- General Paediatric Consultations – includes evaluation of past and present health of child, including a physical examination and appropriate laboratory investigations
“AIMS is the only, that I am aware of, integrated medical clinic for our special kids. This clinic should act as an example of what government should strive for.”
The PAFN Impact

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