Peter Raptis
Board Member
Peter Raptis is the Principal at Skare Properties and a Managing Partner in his restaurant group that includes The Refinery, The Pawnshop YVR and The Wooden Spoon Brunch and Bistro co. The Businesses are located from Downtown Vancouver to White Rock BC. He is also the father to two boys Quinn and Mikael. Mikael was diagnosed with Autism at the age of three, and ever since Peter has dedicated his time and energy to advocating for Mikael along with other children who don’t have a voice in the fight. He works to give them all the best opportunity to have an amazing life.
Peter has served on a number of boards and most recently is the Immediate Past Chairman of the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association Board of Directors and still Chairs the Nomination Committee. He also Coaches and offers governance to the local Lacrosse, Baseball and Soccer Associations where he lives with a strong commitment to inclusion for all children with special needs. Peter is also involved with his sons’ school as a member of the PAC executive and a representative of special needs student services at the school district level.